Education on Human Rights

In order to raise awareness of various human rights issues, we provide human rights awareness training for employees, opportunities to consider the importance of human rights in the supply chain together with our suppliers, while also striving to encourage education about these issues and how they are connected to our daily actions.

Human rights awareness training for employees

To prevent and mitigate human rights risks, it is important to raise awareness among all employees, deepening our understanding of human rights. For this reason, FANCL Group conducts regular yearly 'human rights training' sessions.

We conduct online 'human rights training' for all employees, including management and new employees, to elminate discrimination and prejudice related to major human rights issues that are considered possible issues within the company, such as harassment (sexual harassment, power harassment, etc.), issues facing the LGBTQ community and other sexual minorities, people with disabilities and issues related to religion and race, among other concerns. Through these training sessions, all employees learn how to deal with specific cases of bullying, harassment and discrimination and are able to gain an understanding of human rights issues. FANCL is working to create a workplace where everyone can work comfortably. Training for executtives and managers includes details about how to respond to a harassment report or consultation from a mangement perspective.

Labor management training (February to March 2018)
Target: All officers
Participants deepened their understanding of basic knowledge regarding harasment and organizational managment to prevent harassment through group work.
Labor Management Training (November to December 2019)
Target: All Management
A lecture was given covering the Power Harassment Prevention Bill and related topics on anger management.
Human Rights Training 'Human Rights Response Required of Companies' (October 2021)
Target: Employees in the Promotion Department
A lecturer from the Human Rights Protection Division of the Yokohama District Legal Affairs Bureau was invited to conduct online training on the necessity of strengthening corporate efforts to respect humanr ights in line with the Cabinet Secretariat's National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (2020-2025).
Video lesson and test of basic knowledge of human rights (March to May 2022)
Target: All officers and employees
Video training and a test were conducted to help raise awareness of respect for human rights. We continue to work to raise knowledge of human rights.
Training to promote understanding of issues facing the LGBTQ community 1 (June 2022)
Target: All employees (voluntary)
In order to learn more about the current state of support for the LGBT community, the certified NPO SHIP which is active in Kanagawa Prefecture, was invited as a alecturer for an online training program conducted on the theme of 'Recognizing diversity and creating a society where all can live as they choose.'
Training to promote understanding of issues facing the LGBTQ community 2 (September 2022)
Target: All officers and employees (voluntary)
We invited a lecturer from the Human Rights Division of the Yokohama City Citizens Bureau where participants learned about the various life difficulties faced by sexual minorities and the human rights awareness required of companies.
Training to promote understanding of issues facing the LGBTQ community (3) (Match 2023)
Target: All officers and employees (voluntary)
We invited a lecturer from the Human Rights Division of the Yokohama City Citizens Bureau where participants acquired basic LGBTQ knowledge and learned how to create a workplace where everyone can work comfortably.

Training in the prevention of child labor and forced labor

We are training our employees in topics including harassment and management. We will prevent forced labor by banning unjust physical or mental restraints. The FANCL Group complies with national and regional laws and regulations and prevents child labor by confirming the age of employees when hiring.
