
Management11IntroductionThis report is published to introduce to all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, information about the process of creating new value for the realization of our Vision and to outline details of our business strategies and sustainability policy. In editing this report, the Promotion Office of SDGs and the Investor Relations Department within my office play a central role in its creation in cooperation with each department, while referring to the Guidance for Integrated Corporate Disclosure and FANCL’s founding philosophy is eliminating the “negatives” throughout the world with a sense of justice.At the time of the Company’s founding, skin problems caused by additives such as preservatives were becoming a major social problem. To eliminate people’s negative experiences, FANCL developed Mutenka cosmetics, the first in the world to be additive-free, and has continued to provide them to customers. However, we have now reached the point at which we are aware of the problem that we may not be able to adequately deal with the many other “negatives” that exist throughout the world. I think this is the very time when we should return to our founding philosophy and boldly take on new challenges. To that end, I believe that the three elements contained in FANCL’s founding philosophy are extremely important.The first element is “a sense of justice.” This is not a case of profit or loss, but a belief that we have to do something, that we want to please people, and that we want to derive pleasure from having done so ourselves. The second element is “throughout the In FY Mar/2021, we continued to work frantically in response to the state of emergency brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to taking thorough anti-infection measures for our employees, we executed a variety of plans in an earnest manner. This included informing store customers of the mail order option. The results of these endeavors became apparent relatively quickly.Meanwhile, in FY Mar/2022, the first year of the current Medium-Term Management Plan, we worked diligently to return to a growth trajectory at a time when no way out could be seen due Business ModelCompany-Investor Dialogues for Collaborative Value Creationadvocated by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, GRI, ISO 26000, and other relevant materials.I have confirmed that the content stated in these pages is accurate. In the years to come, I would like to continue to make good use of the FANCL Report as a tool to communicate with our stakeholders and to promote more constructive” Facing challenges throughout the ever-changing world, we will take a broader view and contribute to the world, not just Japan, through our business, and look well beyond existing customers and businesses. The final element is “eliminating the negatives.” Customers can actually eliminate the inconveniences and anxieties they have previously experienced by using FANCL’s products and services.FANCL’s founding philosophy will never change, no matter what new developments may occur in the social environment. To contribute to people all over the world through the realization of our philosophy. I consider this to be FANCL’s raison d’être.Guided by this philosophy, we have adopted “Make the world healthier and more beautiful, and become a company that is loved around the world” as the slogan for our “VISION2030” long-term vision. To realize this vision, the Company will promote the provision of “true” value for the very reason that FANCL, which engages in the beauty and health business, can achieve this and take on the challenges of expanding its business the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. Despite our earnest efforts, it was a very difficult year and proved problematic when it came to achieving business results. We were able, however, to steadily sow seeds for the future, such as launching new businesses and new brands. I believe that these activities will certainly make contributions to the FANCL Group in the years to come. Resolutely determining the path we should take going forward, I will mobilize the entire Group as we face challenge after challenge without fear of failure.SustainabilityData SectionAim of Publishing the FANCL ReportFANCL’s Purpose and Long-Term VisionAchievements in First Fiscal Year of the Medium-Term Management Plan

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