Stakeholder engagement

FANCL's policy and basic approach

The FANCL Group places great importance on dialogue with various stakeholders in the diverse range of business activities we undertake. We provide information on the activities of the FANCL Group to our stakeholders through the following methods of communication which also allows us to recognize our stakeholders' expectations and concerns. We will continue to strive to meet the expectations of our stakeholders and aim to improve our corporate value.

Stakeholders Frequency Main dialogue initiatives dialogue methods/efforts
Customers Regularly
As needed
We offer unique products and services, with safety and peace of mind as our highest priorities. We are engaged in various initiatives within our Company to deepen ties with our customers.
Customer feedback is the driving force behind FANCL's growth, and we regard it as an important aspect of management. The feedback we receive is distributed throughout the Company every week and reported to executive management promptly by the CS Committee, allowing us to respond quickly in product development and services.
In addition, our Customer Perspective Committee requests the cooperation of FANCL customers with surveys (evaluations) on in-store customer service and response to telephone inquiries, and using the information gained to help improve customer service and FANCL services.
・ Providing information through official websites, social media, and information magazines
・ Various help desks and helplines
・CS Committee*
・ Customer Perspective Committee

*CS(Customer Satisfaction)
Employees As needed We are developing employee skills with various training courses and seminars to create new value through recognizing diversity and allowing everyone to demonstrate their individuality and talent. We regularly hold company-wide policy briefings and stream morning meetings to spread messages from our executive managers.
At each part of our Company we hold round-table discussions we call our "In-house meetings to talk about the future together" to create opportunities for our President and employees to talk directly about the future of the company.
Each year we conduct our Employee Satisfaction Survey and set up a hotline for employees to report and discuss issues.
・Employee skill development through training courses and seminars
・Policy briefings, morning broadcasts, morning assemblies
・Round-table discussions between the President and employees
・Career counseling
・Employee satisfaction surveys
・Employee reporting and consultation hotlines
・Employee award systems
Local communities As needed To coexist with local communities and contribute to the hopeful and healthy lives of people in the future through our corporate activities, we maintain regular contact with governments, local governments, NGOs, and NPOs. While deepening our awareness of social issues, we also engage in community activities, donations, and volunteer activities.
We are working with related organizations to address issues in local communities, such as support for people with disabilities and sustainability education for the younger generation, as we strive to create a society where everyone can live to their full potential.
・Contributions to local communities, employee donations, and volunteer activities
・Regular communication with governments, municipalities, NGOs, and NPOs
・Participation in various initiatives
Trading partners Regularly
As needed
At the FANCL Group we strive for coexistence and mutual prosperity with our trading partners. To build relationships that grow while encouraging mutual respect, we conduct questionnaire surveys and interviews with our business partners every year and seek to build relationships of trust based on mutual benefit.
In addition to establishing a helpline for our business partners, we strive to build and maintain fair and just business relationships in response to international issues such as responsible procurement. In this way, we are contributing to sustainable procurement that takes into account the global environment, human rights, and labor practices.
・Surveys of trading partner compliance with our supplier guidelines and sustainable procurement
・Trading partner questionnaire surveys
・Whistleblower hotline for trading partners
Investors and shareholders Regularly
As needed
To be a trusted company, we conduct fair and transparent corporate activities, meet the expectations of our investors and shareholders, and actively engage in IR activities to increase our corporate value.
In addition to financial results briefings (4 times a year) and IR interviews with analysts and institutional investors (approximately 500 per year), we offer various engagement opportunities such as individual investor briefings, facility tours, and overseas road shows.
We are also making efforts to publicize ESG information, including disclosure through our FANCL Report (integrated report).
・General meeting of shareholders (once a year)
・Financial results briefings (4 times a year)
・IR interviews (approximately 500 per year)
・Individual investor briefings (as needed)
・Facility tours (as needed)
・Overseas road shows in North America, Europe, and Asia (as needed)
・Small meetings between the President and business staff (as needed)
・Conferences held by securities companies (as needed)
・FANCL Report (Integrated Report) (once a year)
・FANCL corporate website / IR website (as needed)
・Resonse to ESG rating agencies (as needed)

(Dialogue with customers) Our CS Committee

At FANCL, opinions and requests from customers regarding products, services, corporate stance, and other matters are reported weekly to executive management. On issues that require a rapid response, our President chairs a discussion group which looks into solutions. We listen to customers' opinions and share their real feelings. We are striving to speed up improvements and decision-making by elevating issues that are difficult to solve at the departmental or divisional level up to our executive managers for discussion.

(Dialogue with employees) In-house meetings to talk about the future together

These meetings provide opportunities for our President to meet with employees and exchange ideas and opinions so that each employee can continue to play an active role and develop in the FANCL way. The meetings are held among a small number of people. At our Head Office and at each of our branch offices or factories, employees are divided into groups based on age, years worked at our Company, or project involvement. By distributing the opinions given at these meetings to the rest of our entire Company, we aim to encourage each employee to think about the future of FANCL and make it their own.

(Dialogue with our trading partners) Sustainable procurement Questionnaires and interviews to confirm the state of compliance with our Trading Partner (Supplier) Guidelines

To better understand the risks in our supply chains, we conducted a questionnaire survey on the status of compliance with our Trading Partner (Supplier) Guidelines among about 450 companies. Based on the results, we interviewed several dozen companies. Through these talks, we were able to gain an understanding of human rights and environmental risks, express our gratitude to our partners for our daily transactions, and deepen mutual understanding.

(Dialogue with investors and shareholders) General Meeting of Shareholders

At the 43rd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on Saturday, June 24, 2023, we distributed souvenirs to shareholders who attended for the first time in four years, and held an exhibition (a show of our business activities). The General Meeting was also streamed live online.

(Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders) The 43rd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on Saturday, June 24, 2023

We believe this was a great opportunity to have a direct dialogue with our shareholders. Since 1998, we have held our general meetings of shareholders and exhibitions mainly on Saturdays so that more shareholders can participate. In the fiscal year ended March 2024, 3,081 shareholders attended.
