Compliance Education

Compliance Training

At the FANCL Group, we work to raise employees' awareness of compliance through a variety of regular compliance training programs, including new employee training, mid-career training, and training for newly appointed managers. We are also strengthening our internal compliance system by conducting training on compliance for our executive officers. This training includes responses to various amended laws and regulations.

Compliance study sessions

To raise employee awareness of compliance, the FANCL Group conducts compliance study sessions in addition to management-level-based compliance education.
In the fiscal year ended March 2023, we held a study session on the dos and don'ts of SNS information releases for our SNS account management departments. We also held a study session for our product planning and sales planning departments to enhance our intellectual property rights check system.
Going forward, we will continue to ensure that our employees are thoroughly familiar with legal knowledge, case studies, and internal rules regarding the scope of compliance risks, to improve their awareness of compliance.

Seminar on Antitrust Laws (*1) and the Subcontract Act (*2)

"The important thing is coexistence and co-prosperity with business partners."
Yumiko Kon ,
General Affairs Department, FANCL Co., Ltd.

At FANCL Group, we identify climate change and other environmental and operational risks for each department and assesses the impact of those risks on our management of the company. Additionally, in line with the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure), an international climate change-related organization, we also look at business opportunities arising from the changing global environment caused by climate change, and disclose the information that we have identified. The identified risks and opportunities are discussed with our Sustainability Committee, Group Management Conference, and other management-level bodies, and risk management is conducted by formulating plans to mitigate and avoid risks. In the process of formulating and verifying risk countermeasures, we constantly optimize our risk management by understanding the status of the internal and external environment, setting priority risks, and managing the severity of risks on an annual basis.

*1 Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade
*2 Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, Etc. to Subcontractors
