Consumer-oriented voluntary declaration



Eliminate the “Negatives” with a Sense of Justices


“Can Achieve More”

The FANCL Group is a corporation that truly cares for people.
FANCL has strived to eliminate customers’ negative experience and pursue gentleness, safety, and assurance of its products.
We always put ourselves in customers’ shoes and the happiness of our customers forms the basis of everything we do.

Our Stance Message

(2)Initiative Policy

[1] Commitment of Top Management

Based on our corporate philosophy, “Constantly considering the customer’s perspective, the happiness of our customers forms the basis of all that we do”, all employees from the president downwards shall ensure that FANCL is managed in a manner that embodies this philosophy.

Furthermore, in 2016, FANCL formulated our stance message of “Quality with Integrity.”, in 2024, formulated our stance message of “A little joy, evey day.”, clearly indicating our dedication to continue to practice management that continues to take on the challenge, think about, and ask itself whether we are reassuring our customers and making them happy, listening to the voice of each and every customer.

[2] Ensuring Corporate Governance

In order to become a corporation that is trusted by all stakeholders including customers, we have positioned the enhancement of corporate governance as an important management issue, ensuring thorough compliance and corporate ethics while organizing internal control systems including risk systems, and making it our basic policy to ensure the efficiency and transparency of management.

In terms of the appointment of management and the nomination of director and auditor candidates, it is our policy to appoint individuals who are capable of correctly understanding and executing our corporate philosophy.

In addition, we have established an entity known as the “Customer Satisfaction Committee”, of which the president is chairperson and directors and management are in attendance, to consider and give instructions for concrete measures to address customer opinions and requests.

The approximately 330,000 opinions we receive per year from customers via telephone or at our stores are centrally managed through the “Yahoo System”, and can be viewed by all employees from the president down, and we actively utilize the system as an important resource for company growth.

[3] Active Employee Initiatives (Fostering Employee Awareness and the Corporate Culture)

In order to manage the corporation based on our founding philosophy and corporate philosophy, all employees receive training on the philosophies at “FANCL College”, our internal educational organization, to ensure that each and every employee is able to embody these philosophies.

[4] Coordinating the Sales Division and Quality Assurance, Customer Service, and Legal Divisions

he approximately 330,000 customer opinions received per year are entered into a database through our original “Yahoo System”, and an environment has been created to allow all employees to view, tally, and analyze customer opinions at any time, reflecting this in our product development and promotion.

In addition, we have created a Customer Perspective Promotion Office to promote initiatives to respond to customer opinions and requests.

In the Sales, Quality Assurance, Customer Service, and Legal Divisions, meetings are held regarding quality and safety, and information is shared periodically in collaboration.

From the perspective of consumer protection, with regards to unexpected risks, the president, who is the general supervisor based on the “Crisis Management Regulations”, and the director in charge have promptly chosen a supervisor and created a company-wide committee for the creation of measures against risk and prevention of risk.

[5] Enhancing the Provision of Information to Consumers/Bi-directional Exchange of Information

Through various measures such as catalogues, FANCL website, beauty consultations by staff who have received specialized beauty training at FANCL College, supplement consultations with specialized staff such as registered dietitians and pharmacists, and through directly operated stores staffed by these specialized staff, we provides appropriate information to customers in a timely manner.
In addition, we have established a “Customer Perspective Committee” as a site for exchanging opinions with customers. Through various questionnaires and roundtable discussions, we have active discussions regarding FANCL products and services.

[6] Improvements/Development Based on Requests from Consumers/Society

FANCL strives to eliminate all the “negativities” in the world and pursue gentleness, safety, and assurance in all of our business activities. Constantly considering the customer’s perspective, the happiness of our customers forms the basis of all that we do, as we improve and develop our products and services.

To enable customers to use our products with piece of mind, we offer an “unlimited return/exchange service”, and have created the FANCL original “Touch Mark Seal”, a sticker with bumps that enable products to be differentiated by touch to facilitate their use by visually impaired and elderly individuals.
