Quality Control Policy

We continuously improve our quality assurance system to provide products and services to achieve customer trust and satisfaction under the management philosophy of FANCL group.

We promise to keep inquiring, seeking, and challenging ways to improve quality to meet customers' desires and needs.

We pledge that each and every employee will use their originality and ingenuity with the spirit of "Can achieve more," evolve with changes in society, and refine the FANCL brand in line with customer needs.

1. Quality Evaluation by Customer

We aim to improve quality by considering our customers' opinions and applying them to our corporate activities to achieve a fulfilling lifestyle with joy and satisfaction for people around the world.

2. Products that Customers Come to Cherish

We provide products that customers depend on for satisfaction by improving and maintaining their high quality.

3. Assure Product Safety

We strive to provide reliable and safe products with accurate usage instructions and related appropriate information.

4. We Always Serve Customers with a Smile and Appreciation.

We do our best to enhance satisfaction by providing services from the standpoint of our customers.

5. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We endeavor to comply with laws and regulations related to quality along with industry-wide standard. We cooperate in following international agreements and policies of local and national governments.

6. An Understanding of the Quality Control Policy and FANCL Original Standard

Ensuring all FANCL employees understand the quality control policy and raise awareness by training in the quality assurance standards including FANCL Standard of Quality, "FSQ" and FANCL SAFETY STANDARD, "FSS".

7. Corporate Accountability

We strive to promote full transparency of cooperate operations, fulfill accountability to society and improve reliability, being aware of our responsibility through our business.

April 1, 2023
Kazuyuki Shimada
Representative Director & CEO
FANCL Corporation
